UNEP CounterMEASURE Project on marine plastic litter (2019-2020)
Brief Note
RRC.AP supported the implementation of the project "Promotion of countermeasures against marine plastic litter in Southeast Asia and India" in cooperation with UNEP and other partners. This project was implemented from 2019 to 2020. RRC.AP successfully provided the following outputs/outcome, among others: • Successfully conducted the CounterMEASURE Final Stakeholder Conference was successfully held on 25 to 28 May 2020 virtually. It showcased important achievements of the CounterMEASURE project at its first phase and previewed second phase of CounterMEASURE implementation. The virtual conference highlighted key stories, accomplishments, and innovative solutions – even to the growing concern around the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Cumulatively, about 1,286 participants from about 58 countries in 5 continents attended the virtual conference. Participants were drawn from include policy makers, researchers, engineers, private sectors, and civil society groups. • Conducted a capacity mapping regarding the assessment and monitoring of plastic pollution in the Mekong river involving four Mekong basin countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam. • Successfully supported UNEP in the designed report of the region-based model for regional assessment and monitoring of plastic leakage and plastic pollution.