UNEP-AIT Project Cooperation Agreement on Waste Management (2016-2017)
Brief Note
<p>The UNEP-AIT Project Cooperation Agreement was implemented to provide support on national and local capacity for waste management through scientific information, national and city waste management strategies, pilot demonstrations, and training thru Academic Curriculum on Holistic Waste Management - including the conduct of conduct studies on Waste Management situation in ASEAN region. The project was implemented from February 2016 to July 2017. AIT RRC.AP successfully provided the following outputs/outcome: • National Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan (Mongolia), and Ulaanbaatar City Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan. • ASEAN waste management summary report, and each country reports, ASEAN Expert Review Meeting. • Academic Curriculum on Holistic Waste Management- Waste for Sustainable Development (WSD)-Asia Pacific University Consortium • AIT RRC.AP coordinated a six university-consortium and developed an academic curriculum on holistic waste management; Course resource package (4 modules), conducted 2 pilot trainings • We also developed in coordination with experts the Asia waste management outlook (AWMO) which is a subsequent outlook to the Global Waste Management Outlook (GWMO), with a deeper analysis of the state of waste management in Asia, by reflecting its concrete situation and using case studies from the region and propose more tailored recommendations for the region. • RRC.AP has developed KnowWaste portal – a one-stop user friendly and decentralised knowledge platform as on holistic waste management, where users will be able to find, learn and share experiences, challenges and solutions related to waste management, KnowWaste will be hosted within the framework of UNEP Live. • Scientific assessments were conducted to; 1) map existing international waste management projects, and 2) conduct demand/needs assessment for developing countries. Outputs/publication: Scientific assessment reports • Under the Minamata Initial Assessments (MIA) of UNEP, RRC.AP is instrumental in the development of mercury waste management assessment report, and 3 in-country trainings in Cambodia, Philippines, Pakistan</p>